5 Final Crysis images

Shot of Lab1 with ramp(Nighttime)

Shot of Lab2 with ramp(Daytime)

Long shot of the building/environment(Daytime)
This shot evokes the improvisation and collaboration
between the two elements, the building and the
environment, and how it relates to each other. The building
which is constructed of rectangular prism of different sizes, is conveyed through
the environment which is dug from numerous rectangular prism,
also consisting of different sizes.

This particular shot of the building, shows the environment which the building is located in. It shows the two ramps, which both leads to a meeting place.
This shot also evokes the similarities between the shape of the building and the
landscape of the environment.

Shot from the meeting place to the building
This shot accentuates of the design of the building,
which consists of nine rectangular prisms, each different sizes between each other.
The building and the environment i have developed, also links to my Electroliquid aggregation, which was,
"Although we are just an advanced breed of monkeys, we are able to understand the universe through collaboration and improvisation, which makes us something special and is the reason we prevail."
This statement is conveyed through these images, as the building is placed in the environment specifically, as the shape of the building is related to the shape of the environment, in which i have tried to convey, which evokes the word of 'improvisation', in which accentuates that the landscape of the environment has influenced the design and shape of my building.